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    集团产业  /  Group of industries
    您所在的位置> 首页> 主页 > 集团产业 > 仓储物流及贸易服务 >
    来源: IM体育官方网站集团
    天津利达粮油有限公司粮油仓储产业是集团仓储物流产业龙头,专业从事国家和地方两级粮油储备和跨省粮食流转业务,总仓容145万吨。The grain and oil warehousing industry of Tianjin Lida Grain and Oil Co., Ltd. is the key of the Group's warehousing and logistics industry. Lida Company specializes in local and national grain and oil reserve and inter-provincial grain circulation business. Its total warehouse storage capacity is 1.45 million tons.
